Predetermination of conviction record prior to submitting a full application for licensure [Admin.Code SPS 4.035] -
CR 18-100Private residence elevators [Admin.Code SPS 318.1705] -
CR 20-057Real estate appraisal management company regulations [Admin.Code SPS 88] -
CR 18-102Real estate appraisers: comprehensive review and update [Admin.Code SPS 85 subch. I (title), 85.110, 85.115, 85.120, 85.200, 85.210, 85.220, 85.230, 85.240, 85 subch. III (title), 85.310, 85.320, 85.330, 85 subch. IV (title), 85.400, 85.410, 85.420, 85.425, 85.430, 85 subch. V (title), 85.500, 85.510, 85.520, 85.530, 85.600, 85.610, 85.630, 85.700, 85.710, 85.800, 85.820, 85.830, 85.840, 85.900, 85.910, 86.01, 86.03, 87.01, 87.02] -
CR 18-104Registered sanitarian examination requirements [Admin.Code SPS 175.01, 175.02, 175.025, 175.03, 175.04, 175.05, 176.01] -
CR 19-065Storage, use, and handling of flammable or combustible liquids and products [Admin.Code SPS 305.01 (note), 305.02 Table, 305.06 Table, 305.68, 305.82, 305.83, 305.84, 305.85, 305.86, 305.87, 305.88, 305.89] -
CR 18-003Substance abuse counselors, clinical supervisors, and prevention specialists [Admin.Code SPS 160 (Title), 160.015, 160.02, 161, 162, 163.01, 163.02, 164.01, 165 (Title), 165, 166, 168] -
CR 17-098Tanning facilities [Admin.Code SPS 220.03, 220.04, 220.045, 220.09 (note), 220.11, 220.12, 220.13, 220 Appendix A] -
CR 19-085Uniform disciplinary procedures for DSPS and all affiliated credentialing boards [Admin.Code SPS 6.01, 6.02, 6.03, 6.04, 6.06, 6.07, 6.08, 6.09, 6.10, 6.11, 8.02, 8.03] -
CR 19-114Use of pharmaceutical agents by licensed optometrists [Admin.Code SPS 10] -
CR 19-028Wisconsin conveyance safety code [Admin.Code SPS 305.003, 305.06 Table, 305.10, 305.125, 305.31, 305.32, 305.323, 305.325, 305.327, 305.40, 305.40 (note), 305.405, 305.405 (note 1), 305.41, 305.70, 305.91, 305.92, 305.9905, 305.991, 305.997, 305 Appendix, 318.1003, 318.1004, 318.1005, 318.1007 Tables (1, 2, 3, 4), 318.1007, 318.1008, 318.1011, 318.1012, 318.1013, 318.1014 (note 2), 318.1016, 318.1017 (note), 318.1018 (note), 318.1700, 318.1701, 318.1702, 318.1703, 318.1705, 318.1708, 318.17081, 318.17086, 318.17087, 318.17089, 318.170810, 318.170811, 318.1709, 318.1801, 318.1802, 318.1810, 318.1811, 318 subch. VI] -
CR 19-118Animals used in qualified research: sales and use tax provisions and affecting small business [Admin.Code Tax 11.20] -
CR 19-113Sales and use tax provisions [Admin.Code Tax 11.002, 11.01, 11.09, 11.11, 11.17, 11.20, 11.34, 11.46, 11.535, 11.61, 11.88, 11.925] -
CR 20-027Sales and use tax provisions [Admin.Code Tax 11.01, 11.05, 11.08, 11.13, 11.14, 11.26, 11.33, 11.34, 11.35, 11.41, 11.50, 11.52, 11.55, 11.68, 11.72, 11.83, 11.97] -
CR 19-112Sales and use tax provisions; and affecting small business [Admin.Code Tax 11.04, 11.05, 11.12, 11.14, 11.16, 11.17, 11.19, 11.26, 11.33, 11.39, 11.48, 11.49, 11.52, 11.53, 11.55, 11.57, 11.62, 11.65, 11.66, 11.68, 11.83, 11.86, 11.87, 11.92, 11.985] -
CR 20-018Sales and use tax provisions for out-of-state retailers [Admin.Code Tax 11.97] -
CR 19-072Sales and use tax provisions re field audits and statistical sampling method [Admin.Code Tax 11.905] -
CR 18-080Registered sanitarian examination requirements [Admin.Code SPS 175.01, 175.02, 175.025, 175.03, 175.04, 175.05, 176.01] -
CR 19-065Septage servicing: certain regulatory requirements clarified and streamlined; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 113.01, 113.02, 113.03, 113.04, 113.05, 113.06, 113.07, 113.08, 113.09, 113.10, 113.11, 113.12, 113.15, 114.153, 114.16, 114.17, 114.18, 114.19, 114.195, 114.20, 114.21, 114.22, 114.23, 114.24, 114.245, 114.25] -
CR 20-046Site-specific phosphorus water quality criteria for Petenwell Lake, Castle Rock Lake, and Lake Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 102.06] -
CR 19-083Bulk transfer UCC filings re certain lien notices, approval of indexes used for certain variable rate loans, and annual statements of savings banks [Admin.Code DFI-CCS 6.06, DFI-SL 13.04, DFI-SB 4] -
CR 19-057Site-specific phosphorus criteria established for Lac Courte Oreilles, a lake in Sawyer County [Admin.Code NR 102.06] -
CR 19-125Special Needs Scholarship Program changes [Admin.Code PI 49.01, 49.02, 49.03, 49.04, 49.05, 49.06, 49.07, 49.08, 49.09, 49.10, 49.11, 49.13, 49.14, 49.16] -
CR 19-095State's college savings program: account ownership, rollovers, and refunds [Admin.Code DFI-CSP 1.03, 1.09, 1.12] -
CR 19-155School mental health programs aid [Admin.Code PI 31] -
CR 18-084Technical changes to existing DPI rules as a result of 2017 WisAct 108 review of administrative rules [Admin.Code PI 1.01, 6.06, 8.01, 11.02, 11.07, 11.35, 11.37, 13.03, 13.04, 13.09, 19.03, 19.05, 27.03, 37.03, 37.04, 43.01] -
CR 19-069Financial statements for special education services under open enrollment [Admin.Code PI 36.08] -
CR 19-081Open enrollment program alternative application procedures [Admin.Code PI 36.04] -
CR 18-096Restoring part-time open enrollment rules [Admin.Code PI 36 subch. V] -
CR 18-048Rules governing the Parental Choice Programs as a result of 2017 Wisconsin Acts 36 and 59 and other changes [Admin.Code PI 48.02, 48.03, 48.04, 48.05, 48.06, 48.07, 48.08, 48.09, 48.10, 48.12, 48.13, 48.14, 48.15, 48.16, 48.17, 48.18, 48.19] -
CR 19-121Parent contracts for pupil transportation: technical changes [Admin.Code PI 7.04, 7.05, 7.06] -
CR 19-067Early College Credit Program replaces Youth Options program as a result of 2017 WisAct 59 [Admin.Code PI 40] -
CR 18-077Technical changes to existing DPI rules as a result of 2017 WisAct 108 review of administrative rules [Admin.Code PI 1.01, 6.06, 8.01, 11.02, 11.07, 11.35, 11.37, 13.03, 13.04, 13.09, 19.03, 19.05, 27.03, 37.03, 37.04, 43.01] -
CR 19-069Pupil services professionals: licensing revisions [Admin.Code PI 34.028, 34.040, 34.060, 34.061] -
CR 20-082School district revenue limit exemptions for energy efficiencies [Admin.Code PI 15.01, 15.03, 15.04, 15 Appendix A] -
CR 18-036Immunization of students [Admin.Code DHS 144.01, 144.02, 144.03, 144.04, 144.05, 144.07, 144.08, 144.09] -
CR 19-079Pupil services professionals: licensing revisions [Admin.Code PI 34.028, 34.040, 34.060, 34.061] -
CR 20-082Clarifying high cost special education aid [Admin.Code PI 30.02, 30 subch. II, 30.07] -
CR 19-147Financial statements for special education services under open enrollment [Admin.Code PI 36.08] -
CR 19-081Technical education equipment grants under the Wisconsin Fast Forward program [Admin.Code DWD 802] -
CR 20-015Prohibited noxious weed seeds [Admin.Code ATCP 20.01] -
CR 18-020Transportation for seniors and individuals with disabilities: administration of grant programs to administer federal and state funds [Admin.Code Trans 2 (title), 2.01, 2.015, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 2.045, 2.05, 2.055, 2.06, 2.07, 2.09, 2.10, 2.11] -
CR 19-073Addressing allegations of sexual misconduct against academic staff of the University of Wisconsin System [Admin.Code UWS 11 subch. I, 11.01, 11.015, 11 subch. II, 11.016, 11.02, 11.05, 11.06, 11.07, 11.08, 11.10, 11.101, 11.102, 11.103, 11.104, 11.105, 11.106, 11.11, 11.12, 11 subch. III, 11.13, 11.14, 11.15, 11.16, 11.17, 11.18, 11.19, 11.20, 11.21, 11.22, 11.23, 11.24, 11.25, 11.26, 11 subch. IV, 11.27, 11.28, 11.29, 11.30, 11.31, 11.32, 11.33] -
CR 20-061Addressing allegations of sexual misconduct against faculty of the University of Wisconsin System [Admin.Code UWS 4 subch. I, 4.01, 4.015, 4 subch. II, 4.016, 4.02, 4.05, 4.06, 4.07, 4.08, 4.09, 4 subch. III, 4.11, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14, 4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18, 4.19, 4.20, 4.21, 4.22, 4.23, 4.24] -
CR 20-059Addressing allegations of sexual misconduct against faculty of the University of Wisconsin System [Admin.Code UWS 7.01, 7.015, 7.02, 7.03, 7.05] -
CR 20-060Addressing allegations of sexual misconduct against students of the University of Wisconsin System [Admin.Code UWS 17 subch. I, 17.02, 17.05, 17.06, 17.07, 17.08, 17 subch. II, 17.09, 17.10, 17.11, 17.12, 17.13, 17.14, 17.15, 17 subch. III, 17.16, 17.17, 17.18, 17.19, 17.20, 17.21, 17 subch. IV, 17.22, 17.23, 17.24, 17.25] -
CR 20-062Custody and control of ch. 980, Wis.Stats., patients [Admin.Code DHS 95.03, 95.06, 95.08, 95.10] -
CR 18-066Procedures for carrying out sex offender registration requirements [Admin.Code Jus 8] -
CR 19-062Unprofessional conduct re marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, and social workers [Admin.Code MPSW 20.02] -
CR 19-166County soil and water resource management standards: DATCP environmental assessment requirement repealed [Admin.Code ATCP 3.02] -
CR 19-056Hazardous waste, universal waste, pharmaceuticals, and used oil: generation, transportation, recycling, treatment, storage, and disposal changes; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 149.13 Table 2, 211.10, 211.17, 502.09, 506.095, 660.02, 660.04, 660.05, 660.10, 660.11, 660.20, 660.30, 660.31, 660.33, 660.34, 660.40, 660.41, 660.42, 660.43, 661, 661 Appendices I, VII, and VIII, 662, 663.10, 663.10 subch. A (note), 663.12, 663.20, 663.21, 663.25, 664.0001, 664.0004, 664.0012, 664.0015, 664.0052, 664.0056, 664.0071, 664.0072, 664.0101, 664.0112, 664.0143, 664.0170, 664.0174 (note), 664.0178 (note), 664.0191, 664.0193, 664.0196 (note), 664.0197, 664.0198, 664.0221, 664.0228, 664.0229, 664.0256, 664.0258, 664.0301, 664.0312, 664.0316, 664.0340, 664.0351 (note), 664.0551, 664.0552, 664.0553, 664.0554, 664.1030, 664.1050, 664.1057, 664.1064, 664.1086, 664.1101, 664.1102, 664.1200 (note), 664.1202, 665.0001, 665.0012, 665.0020, 665.0052, 665.0056, 665.0071, 665.0072, 665.0090, 665.0112, 665.0118, 665.0143, 665.0174 (note), 665.0193, 665.0195, 665.0196 (note 1), 665.0197, 665.0198, 665.0221, 665.0228, 665.0229, 665.0256, 665.0258, 665.0301, 665.0312, 665.0316, 665.0340, 665.0351 (note), 665.0381 (note), 665.0404 (note), 665.0405, 665.0440, 665.1030, 665.1050, 665.1057, 665.1063, 665.1064, 665.1087, 665.1088, 665.1101, 665.1102, 665.1202, 666.020, 666.022, 666.023 (2) (note), 666.070, 666.080, 666.100, 666.101, 666.103, 666.108, 666.112, 666.202, 666.210, 666.220, 666.255, 666.305, 666.901, 666.903, 666 [Appendices], 666 subch. P, 667.0003, 667.0071, 667.0147, 667.0201, 667.0202, 667.1108, 668.01, 668.07, 668.31, 668.37, 668.38, 668.39, 668.40, 668.40 Table, 668.45, 668.48 Table and table note 6, 668.50, 668 Appendix VI, 670.001, 670.002, 670.014, 670.019, 670.042, 670.062, 670.066, 670.320, 670.432, 670 Appendices I and II, 673.03, 673.05, 673.08, 673.13, 673.20, 673.33, 673.39, 673.40, 673.56, 673.60, 673.62, 673.70, 673.80, 679.01, 679.10, 679.11 Table 1 table note 2, 679.40] -
CR 19-082Research, development and demonstration plans at municipal solid waste landfills and other minor corrections [Admin.Code NR 514.02, 514.04, 514.10] -
CR 18-058Solid waste management grant program [Admin.Code NR 186] -
CR 19-045Waste reduction and recycling demonstration grants [Admin.Code NR 548] -
CR 19-042Waste tire removal and recovery [Admin.Code NR 555] -
CR 19-040